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Jing Liu PhD
Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University, Japan
New publication: Transformation of university missions
I am pleased to share the co-authored chapter with Dr. Akiyoshi Yonezawa and Dr. Sae Shimauchi. Please find the details from the URL...
「Datefm SDGs ACTION」の取材を受けました。Interview with Datafm SDGs ACTION
2023年1月11日(水)仙台エフエム77.1の「Datefm SDGs ACTION」というラジオ番組の取材を受けた。同番組は毎月第2週から最終週は、SDGsに関連する様々な情報を発信している。第2週は、Datefmと東北大学グリーン未来創造機構との取り組みの一環として、...
The 1st Class in 2023 with Dr. Evelie Serrano
The 1st class of 2023 with Dr. Evelie Serrano! Thank you so much for sharing the mostly updated information and knowledge about education...
A Very Happy New Year to You!
With a sun rise at Matsushima, we welcomed the new year of 2023! May the new year bring more peace, understanding, inclusion, happiness,...
Talking about Education in Cambodia with Dr. Takayo Ogisu
It was our honor to have Dr. Takayo Ogisu to provide us a lecture about pedagogy reform in Cambodia in this afternoon. It was an...
Welcome Dr. Libing Wang's Visit to Tohoku University
We were very pleased to welcome Dr. Libing Wang, Chief of Section for Educational Innovation and Skills Development (EISD) based at...
Talking about Research in Education with Dr. Jae Park, The Education University of Hong Kong
On December 18, 2022, it was our honor to invite Dr. Jae Park from the Education University of Hong Kong to share his thoughts and advice...
「未来の教育とユネスコ」高大連携交流会を開催 Youth Exchange on Future of Education & UNESCO
12月18日には「未来の教育とユネスコ」をテーマとした若者中心の交流会を開催し,東北大学の学生10名に加え,宮城第一高校の生徒10名の参加を得ました。UNESCOバンコク事務所のDr. Libing Wang氏による話題提供とファシリテーションの下,参加者は「未来の教育とユ...
「公正で持続可能な世界に向けた高等教育」に関する国際シンポジウムの開催 International symposium on Higher Education for Sustainability
東北大学大学院教育学研究科は令和4年12月17日に「アジア太平洋地域における公正で持続可能な世界に向けた高等教育の変容」をテーマとした国際シンポジウム(対面・オンライン併用)を開催し,16カ国から106名の参加を得ました。 On December 17, 2022, we...
Lab's Gathering in International Symposium
On Dec.17, I was very pleased to work together with lab members to host the international symposium. Finally we could take our first...
Now Our New Special Issue is published by APER!
It was my honor to work with Dr. Yuto Kitamura and Dr. Tamara Savelyeva to serve as editors of the published special issue titled Higher...
東松島市震災記念館および市内防災倉庫の見学 Tour of the Earthquake Memorial Museum and disaster prevention warehouse
On December 16, we visited the earthquake memorial museum and disaster prevention warehouse at Higashimatsushima City. It was a precious...
JASID Annual Conference 2022
It was my pleasure to take part in the annual conference of JASID held at Meiji University between December 3 and 4, 2022. I shared my...
令和4年度国際学術ウェビナーシリーズ第1回 「Higher Education for A Just and Sustainable World 1 Transforming teaching and
On Nov.26, we were pleased to host our 1st international webinar of the Annual Webinar Series of 2022. In this webinar, we welcome three...
11月24日(木)にユネスコバンコク事務所インターン中の大学院とのオンライン交流会を開催しました。 交流会では、ユネスコバンコク事務所インターン中の大学院生Wen Ningxiさんより、ユネスコバンコク事務所インターンの仕事内容、インターン参加の感想を報告しました。報告内容...
Joining International Symposium of the JCES
On November 18, I was very pleased to join the international symposium titled 'Reverse Gender Gap (RGG)' In Tertiary Education in...
Donation to Sendai Local NGO for Children Poverty Reduction
It was our honor surplus fund of the 58th Japan Comparative Education Society Annual Conference Organizing Committee to donate to a...
New book chapters on school collaboration published!
It is my pleasure to publish my chapter on school collaboration in China in the co-edited book entitled "School-to-School Collaboration:...
Emerald Publishing社「優秀査読者」賞を受賞 Winner of Emerald Awards 2022 LITERATI Outstanding Reviewer
It is my great honor to win the Outstanding Review Award 2022 from Emerald Publishing and International Journal of Comparative Education...
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