New publication: Transformation of university missions
Jing Liu PhD
Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University, Japan
「Datefm SDGs ACTION」の取材を受けました。Interview with Datafm SDGs ACTION
The 1st Class in 2023 with Dr. Evelie Serrano
A Very Happy New Year to You!
Talking about Education in Cambodia with Dr. Takayo Ogisu
Welcome Dr. Libing Wang's Visit to Tohoku University
Talking about Research in Education with Dr. Jae Park, The Education University of Hong Kong
「未来の教育とユネスコ」高大連携交流会を開催 Youth Exchange on Future of Education & UNESCO
「公正で持続可能な世界に向けた高等教育」に関する国際シンポジウムの開催 International symposium on Higher Education for Sustainability
Lab's Gathering in International Symposium
Now Our New Special Issue is published by APER!
東松島市震災記念館および市内防災倉庫の見学 Tour of the Earthquake Memorial Museum and disaster prevention warehouse
JASID Annual Conference 2022
令和4年度国際学術ウェビナーシリーズ第1回 「Higher Education for A Just and Sustainable World 1 Transforming teaching and
Joining International Symposium of the JCES
Donation to Sendai Local NGO for Children Poverty Reduction
New book chapters on school collaboration published!
Emerald Publishing社「優秀査読者」賞を受賞 Winner of Emerald Awards 2022 LITERATI Outstanding Reviewer