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Jing Liu PhD
Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University, Japan


Dec. 26-27, 2019 Visit to National Chengchi University and Local Small Scale Schools
Thanks to Dr. Robin Chen, I was able to visit National Chengchi University with our Dean and Vice Dean to join an official meeting...

Dec.9-16, 2019 Fieldwork in Rural Small Scale Primary School in Hubei Province, China
Between Dec.9 and 16, I conducted fieldwork in a rural small scale primary school in Hubei Province, China. The purpose of the study was...

Dec.4, 2019 Home Visit : UNESCO Bangkok Office
Finally I came back! Today, I was so pleased to be back to UNESCO Bangkok Office where I worked as an intern for 3 months ten years ago!...

Nov.24, 2019 Discussion on Institutional Collaboration
Participants of the international symposium took part in the discussion on institutional collaboration. Look forward to our next step!

Nov.23, 2019 International Symposium on Engagement in Higher Education for SDGs
Nov.23, 2019 It was our honor to invite distinguished speakers from the University of Tokyo, Tsinghua University, Beijing Normal...

Nov.21, 2019 Open lecture by Dr. Jae Park
We were pleased to welcome Dr. Jae Park from the Education University of Hong Kong to share his experience of making publications in the...

Open lecture by Dr. Robin Chen from National Chengchi University
Oct.25, 2019 Today, Dr. Chen gave us an interesting lecture about the education reform in Taiwan. He gave a review of the recent...

Open lectures on by guest speakers from Waseda University
Oct.17, 2019 We were very pleased to invite Dr. Will Brehem and Dr. Akemi Ashida to give us two interesting talks about global education...

Fieldwork in Chengdu
Between Sept.15 and 22, we conducted fieldwork in Chengdu with collaboration from local education committee, Chengdu University, local...

Visit and Interview at KAWAI Juku in Sendai
July 22, 2019 Today, as part of the program, we were pleased to get a precious opportunity to visit KAWAI Juku and had a talk about the...

A productive fieldwork on school-to-school collaboration in Chengdu.
After a busy and productive week in Chengdu, I returned to Sendai and the campus. It was excited to visit policy makers, school leaders,...

Visit to Kawai Juku at Sendai
To prepare for a pre-survey practice for fieldwork program I am in charge of, I paid a visit to Kawai Juku at Sendai. Thank you so much...

The 55th Annual Conference of Japan's Comparative Education Society
June 7-9, 2019, I took part in the 55th annual conference of JCES in Tokyo. It was so pleased to join the round table discussion on...

Asia Education Leader (AEL) Course 2019 Orientation
May 14 and 17, 2009, Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University held two Orientation Sessions on Asia Education Leader (AEL) Course...

Newly published book chapter in Annual Report on China's Education 2019
I just contributed a book chapter on China's reform of school governance for balance and quality in the newly published Annual Report on...

New Start!
Welcome to Jing's blog! A new start at Sendai!
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