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New publication: Transformation of university missions

Jing Liu

I am pleased to share the co-authored chapter with Dr. Akiyoshi Yonezawa and Dr. Sae Shimauchi.

Please find the details from the URL below.

Abstract This article examines the transformation of university missions—from nation-building and social development, toward global competitiveness and engagement around common global challenges. At universities in East Asia, the translation of knowledge tends to be implemented within a context of hegemonic power, rather than through voluntary academic activities. This article discusses the potential of universities in East Asia, based on their indigenous academic approaches. It also raises concerns over “losses in translation” that may lead to misunderstandings around the essential characteristics of universities, such as academic freedom and university autonomy.

Keywords: China, East Asia, Global common challenges, Globalization, Higher education, Hong Kong Japan, Korea, Nation building, National language, Taiwan, Translation, University





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