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国際シンポジウム「アジア太平洋地域における高等教育の国際化・内生化・地域化の再検討:東西対話を通して」が開催されました。International symposium on "Reconsidering Internationalization, Endogenization, and Regionalization of Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific

Jing Liu


On December 15, an international symposium titled "Reconsidering Internationalization, Endogenization, and Regionalization of Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Through East-West Dialogue" was jointly hosted by the Graduate School of Education at Tohoku University and the International Exchange Committee of the Japan Comparative Education Society. The symposium earned participation from 134 attendees representing 13 countries.

冒頭、佐藤副学長(改革・企画担当)から当該テーマにおける学術的な議論の必要性と意義を述べ、開会のご挨拶を行いました。続いて、オックスフォード大学のSimon Marginson教授と香港大学のRui Yang教授による高等教育の国際化・内生化・地域化に関する基調講演が行いました。Marginson教授の基調講演では、多極化したが進む世界におけるアジア太平洋地域の高等教育の国際化・内生化・地域化の可能性と課題を中心に語りました。Yang教授の基調講演では、伝統と近代性のバランスを把握するためにアジア太平洋地域の歴史と文化の再認識は高等教育の国際化・内生化・地域化の新展開に重要な役割を果たす可能性があることを指摘しました。

In the opening session, Vice President Sato, in charge of reform and planning, highlighted the academic necessity and significance of the theme, delivering the opening remarks. Subsequently, keynote speeches on the internationalization, endogenization, and regionalization of higher education were delivered by Professor Simon Marginson from the University of Oxford and Professor Rui Yang from the University of Hong Kong.

During Professor Marginson's keynote speech, emphasis was placed on the possibilities and challenges concerning the internationalization, endogenization, and regionalization of higher education in the Asia-Pacific region amidst a progressing multipolar world. Professor Yang's keynote addressed the vital role that a reevaluation of the history and culture of the Asia-Pacific region plays in understanding the balance between tradition and modernity, potentially contributing to new developments in the internationalization, endogenization, and regionalization of higher education.

二つの基調講演に続く招待講演では、東北大学の米澤彰純教授による日本における高等教育の国際化・内生化・地域化の特徴と課題が解説された後、早稲田大学の黒田一雄教授による多様な地域また高等教育機関による地域化の重要性、東京大学の北村友人教授による文化を越えた相互理解のための「知識外交」の在り方、清華大学のZhou Zhong准教授による大学間の協力につなぐ「University Diplomacy」の概念の解釈などの話題が提供されました。加えて、最後のパネルディスカッションでは、オンライン・対面の参加者との質疑応答を行い、アジア太平洋地域の高等教育の国際化・内生化・地域化の今後向かうべき方向が議論されました。

Following the keynote speeches, invited talks were presented. These included an explanation by Professor Akiyoshi Yonezawa from Tohoku University, outlining the characteristics and challenges of internationalization, endogenization, and regionalization of higher education in Japan. Subsequently, Professor Kazuo Kuroda from Waseda University discussed the significance of diverse regions and regionalization by higher education institutions. Moreover, Professor Yuto Kitamura from the University of Tokyo explored the method of "knowledge diplomacy" for fostering mutual understanding across cultures, and Associate Professor Zhou Zhong from Tsinghua University provided insights into the interpretation of "University Diplomacy" to facilitate cooperation among universities. The symposium concluded with a panel discussion involving both online and in-person participants, engaging in a Q&A session and deliberating on the future direction of internationalization, endogenization, and regionalization of higher education in the Asia-Pacific region.





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