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Welcome to join Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong 2023 Summer Conference!

Jing Liu

Sat 22 – Sun 23 July 2023

Venue: The Education University of Hong Kong, Taipo, Hong Kong

Hegemonism and Education for Sustainability

Hegemonism is a multifaceted and complex movement and process, which threatens the global sustainability. Originally described as geopolitical power dynamics after an upper hand vis-à-vis other countries, the problem of hēgemonia (Gk) has been debated upon from multiple perspectives and contexts including minority groups, conflict of epistemologies, cultural studies and developmental theories. Hegemonism affects entire regions, societies and their institutions. Education itself has been regarded as a crucible and an apparatus of and for hegemonism (e.g., Althusser, 2006), where both neoliberal and authoritarian forces wrangle over resources, power and ideologies. The ongoing global environmental and health crises further challenge the situation of social, economic and environmental sustainability problems of our Planet. The 2023 CESHK Conference invites conferrers to reflect upon the problématique of hegemonism and education for sustainability. Submissions are invited on the following four main sub-themes: 1) Education policies and hegemonic interplay 2) Empowerment of minorities and sustainable education 3) Economic hegemonism and education for sustainability 4) Pedagogy and curriculum for sustainable education

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Dr. Marcelo Parreira do Amaral, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Challenging the Geopolitics of Knowledge: Education beyond mere survival

Dr. Jing Liu, Tohoku University Building Higher Education for Sustainability as a Counter-Hegemonic Strategy?

Submission Deadline

Applicants should identify the sub-theme they are addressing and submit an abstract of 120-150 words. The Deadline for submissions is: 31 May 2023 (Wednesday). Submissions can either be for an individual presentation (with one or more authors) or as part of a panel presentation. Please click the following link for individual submissions Google Form Please click the following link for panel submissions Google Form If you do not have access to Google Form, please download and fill in the attached Word Documents in one of the following links and send it to <Individual Submissions> <Panel Submissions> Presentations can be in English, Cantonese, or Mandarin/Putonghua. English and Chinese sessions will run separately. If you are wishing to present in Cantonese or Mandarin/Putonghua, you must submit your abstract in written Chinese (traditional or simplified characters). Accepted presentations are not allowed to change their language of presentation after their acceptance letters are issued. Important Dates Peer Review, Acceptance Letters and Conference Registration: After a peer review, every presenter with an approved proposal will receive the Acceptance Letters in PDF via email within one week of the proposal submission. The registration fee payment will be closed two weeks after the submission deadline, i.e., 14 June 2023 (Wednesday) Release of the Conference Schedule with only registered participants: 24 June 2023 (Friday) Conference Registration and CESHK Membership Membership and Conference fee payments are required by June 14, 2023 from all presenters. If you are a non-member or your membership has expired, please join CESHK or renew your membership by 14 June 2023.

conference registration fee: • General Membership (Full-time employment) + Conference fee: HKD 800 • Discount Membership (Part-time employment/between jobs/students) + Conference fee: HKD 500 • Membership only: HKD 300

For CESHK Membership and Conference fees, visit: Membership is for the current calendar year. Members joining CESHK after 1st September will enjoy membership until the end of the following calendar year. We look forward to seeing you at the Conference!

Dr. Gordon Tsui and Dr. Jae Park Co-Chairs of the 2023 CESHK Conference





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