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Oct.24, 2020 Tohoku University’s Graduate School of Education Webinar Series 2020: Webinar 4

Jing Liu

Tohoku University’s Graduate School of Education Webinar Series 2020: Webinar 4

Tohoku University's Graduate School of Education is hosting the 4th webinar of Graduate School of Education Webinar Series 2020 to discuss how education in the Asia-Pacific region will transform in the era of New Normal.

This webinar aims to invite an expert from UNESCO Bangkok Office to share progress and challenges for SDG4-Education 2030 in the Asia-Pacific region. It is also to invite scholars from China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea to share each country’s efforts paid for SDG4-Education 2030 and challenges met for SDG4-Education 2030. Speakers and participants will join the discussion on the future and possibilities of constructing inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all by 2030. It will conclude by exchanging insights into the role of universities in achieving SDG4-Education 2030.

Date/Time: October 24, 2020, 14:00-16:30 JST

Theme: Decade towards 2030: Experiences and Prospects of SDG4-Education 2030


Mr. Nyi Nyi THAUNG, Programme Specialist (Education Policy and Planning), UNESCO Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau for Education

Mr. Yuchi ZHAO, Lecturer Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Loaned Expert from China to UNESCO

Mr. Hideki MARUYAMA, Professor, Faculty of Global Studies, Sophia University

Ms. Moon Suk HONG, Assistant Professor, International Development and Cooperation Major, Busan University of Foreign Studies

<Moderator> Jing Liu (Tohoku University) Language <English>

For more details You will receive a webinar guide promptly after your registration. Please contact us at if you do not receive the registration notification 申込完了後、Webinar参加方法が記載されたメールが自動的に送信されます。万が一メールが届かない場合は までお問い合わせください。





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