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  • Jing Liu

卒業生と修了生の皆様:おめでとうございます!Congratulations to the class of 2021!

本日大学教員としての学士第1号が誕生しました!おめでとうございます!短い2年間、まだまだ未熟な指導教員とともに、真面目に勉強と卒論作業を行い、とても安心できる学生でした。これから仙台市内の塾で教員として社会人生活が始まりますが、自分の夢を諦めず、頑張ってください!応援しております! Today is a milestone of my career as an academic supervisor. My first B.A student graduated successfully! Thank you so much for studying and working with me in the past two years. As a new teacher, these two years are also very helpful and meaning for me to learn how to teach and how to study with students:) From April, you will work as a teacher in a cram school at Sendai! Please keep your dream and move forward without hesitation!

2019年4月東北大学に着任後、初めて担当した「海外教育演習」の学部科目に履修していただいた学生3人も本日無事卒業しました!私にとって、この3名の学生は大学教員としての人生の中で最初に指導した学部生でした。3人とも真面目で素晴らしい青年です!(実は学生より、友達?兄弟?の存在ですね!)いつも積極的に質問を答えたり、課題を考えたりしてくれて、教員にとってはとてもやりがいが出る学生たちです。また、一緒に中国四川省成都市で現地調査を行って、とても楽しかったです。これから一人が日本財団でご活躍の予定になります。国際交流や国際協力の分野でのご活躍を楽しみにしております。あとの二人ですが、一人は隣の文学研究科の大学院生になります。もう一人は、私の研究室に入っり、これから一緒に教育研究をやる予定です(いい指導ができるように頑張りますね!)。。。この3名の学生のこれからはとても楽しみですね!卒業おめでとうございます! Today, three students who took my first course titled Overseas Education Fieldwork at Tohoku University also successfully graduated! Congratulations! To me, these three students are the first group of students in my career as faculty member at Tohoku University. They are very wonderful young gentlemen! Or, I should say they are more like my friends and brothers! I always enjoyed teaching and learning with them as they could always actively answer my questions, consider issues mentioned in the class. I am sure all teachers want to teach such students! Also, we went to Chengdu City, Sichuan Province of China for a fieldwork! It was a very exciting journey indeed! One of them will head to Tokyo and start his career in Japan Foundation! I am very much looking forward to seeing his achievement in international exchange and international cooperation in the future! The other two students will continue their studies at Tohoku University. One is going to enter the Graduate School of Arts and Letters. And the other will become my students in Master course! To be honest, I am not sure if I am qualified enough to be his advisor! I will do my best:) Wish you all a successful journey from tomorrow! And congratulations again on your graduation!


As a sub-advisor, today, I was also pleased to celebrate successful graduation of two master students. Within the Covid-19 pandemic, it was difficult for students to conduct fieldwork and collect data for writing their theses. Thanks to their advisor and their own effort, in the end, they could overcome many difficulties and submit their these successfully! I am sure it is possible for both of them to continue their doctoral studies based on their master theses in the near future:) Wish you a big success in the future! and Congratulations!

最後になりましたが、私のAELの学生2名も本日無事に卒業しました。おめでとうございます。この2年間、AELコースを通して私をサポートしてくれた2人には、特に感謝しています。それぞれアメリカと日本で博士課程に進むことになり、とても嬉しく思っています。おめでとうございます。そして、早く立派な研究者になれることを祈っています。Last but not the least, two of my dear AEL students also successfully graduated today! Congratulations! My special gratitude goes to both of them as they supported me a lot through AEL course in the past two years! It is so pleased to know both of them will continue their doctoral studies in the US and Japan! Congratulations! And wish you could become excellent researchers soon!

以上本日の喜びでした!笑顔、ハグ、そして願いが込められた素敵かつスイートな一日でした!これが教員の幸せの本質なのでしょうね:) These are my happiness of today! A wonderful and sweet day with smiles, hugs, and wishes! I think this must be the nature of happiness for a teacher:)



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