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「公正で持続可能な世界に向けた高等教育」に関する国際シンポジウムの開催 International symposium on Higher Education for Sustainability

Jing Liu



On December 17, 2022, we were very pleased to host an international symposium titled as Higher Education for A Just and Sustainable World: Transforming teaching and learning in the Asia-Pacific Region. There were 106 participants joined this event online and in-person.

冒頭,佐々木理事・副学長(共創戦略・復興新生担当),グリーン未来創造機構長から当該テーマにおける本学の取り組みについて説明があり,続いてユネスコ・バンコク事務所(アジア太平洋地域を所管)のLibing Wang氏による基調講演が行われました。Wang氏からは持続可能な開発のための高等教育の背景・理念・動向が解説され,その変容に必要な包括的アプローチとパートナーシップの構築がいま必要とされている旨が強調されました。それに続く招待講演では,香港教育大学のJae Park氏,香港持続可能発展教育学院(ユネスコ関連機関)のTamara Savelyeva氏,中国清華大学のZhou Zhong氏,ノートルダム大学オーストラリアのSandra Wooltorton氏らから,各地における持続可能な世界に向けた高等教育に関する事例報告があり,学習者における価値変容に向けた取り組みや,学修成果を具体的な社会実装につなげる試み,歴史文化的な差別や格差の解消に向けた教育実践などの話題が提供されました。加えて,東京大学の北村友人氏とユネスコのWesley Teter氏を交えてのパネル討論およびフロアとの質疑応答では,これら講演内容を踏まえて,アジア太平洋地域の高等教育が今後向かうべき方向が議論されました。

The session began with an explanation of the University's activities under the theme by Mr. Sasaki, Executive Vice President in charge of co-creation strategy and reconstruction and revitalization, and Director of the Green Future Initiative, followed by a keynote speech by Dr. Libing Wang of UNESCO's Bangkok Office. Dr. Wang emphasized the need for a comprehensive approach and partnership building for the transformation of higher education for sustainable development. In the invited lectures that followed, Dr. Jae Park of the Hong Kong Education University, Dr. Tamara Savelyeva of the Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development (a UNESCO affiliate), Dr. Zhou Zhong of Tsinghua University, China, and Dr. Sandra Wooltorton of the University of Notre Dame, Australia, presented case studies on higher education for a sustainable world in their respective regions. Their reports included efforts toward value transformation among learners, attempts to link learning outcomes to concrete social implementation, and educational practices aimed at eliminating historical and cultural discrimination and disparities. In addition, in the panel discussion with Dr. Kitamura, the University of Tokyo, and Dr. Wesley Teter of UNESCO, as well as a question-and-answer session with the floor, discussed the direction higher education in the Asia-Pacific region should take in the future, based on the content of these presentations.


Finally, I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to the faculty members and undergraduate/postgraduate students of the Faculty of Education/Graduate School of Education for their cooperation in organizing this international symposium.





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